Return Policy

What is the refund policy?

*We offer a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason, you may request a refund at: [email protected] and we will honor your request, no questions asked.

If I cancel or request a refund, will I still have access to the lessons?

You can download and print the lessons you have received up to that point and you may keep those forever. If you request a refund, you will be unenrolled from the course and will therefore no longer have further access to the digital course or lessons.

Can I cancel anytime?

*Yes. You only keep the Learn Reading Membership as long as you want or need it. You can cancel anytime and will not be charged any further payments.

How is my product delivered?

*The Learn Reading membership comes as a digital course and is available immediately after purchase. Within the online course, you will find PDF worksheets to download and print as you go.

How do I contact Learn Reading?

Please email us at: [email protected]