Adult Reading Class

Online Open Course for Adults

Welcome to Learn Reading!


What is "Learn Reading"?

Learn Reading is a research based, science based, Orton-Gillingham based, multi-sensory, comprehensive reading program.

It is entirely unique in its methodology, sequence and its incorporation of the "McMurtrey Method", which includes:

"Pencil Reading"

"Vowel Placement Strategy"

and the

"Give a Goal Technique"

The Learn Reading lessons are designed for the older, struggling learner and will not insult their intelligence. Students will be reading multisyllable words as early as lesson two.

The lessons are simple enough for young, emerging readers, yet challenging enough for the most mature students.

Learn Reading starts at the pre-foundation level, establishing phonemic awareness skills prior to the exposure of print. These skills are strengthened and developed throughout the entire program.

Learn Reading is entirely comprehensive. It includes extensive work in each of the following areas:

*Phonemic Awareness


*Controlled Blending

*Sight Words






Learn Reading teaches the student how to teach themselves. They will learn how to fix their own mistakes, become their own teacher, and eventually (by lesson 80) teach others.

Learn Reading capitalizes on the talents and skills that the students already possess.

In every lesson, the student will have an opportunity to sketch, verbalize or even act-out what they are reading.

These engaging techniques will encourage curiosity, expand their vocabulary, and especially strengthen comprehension.

Students love learning this way!

Reading will become a positive experience!

What Parents Are Saying


How is LEARN READING is Different?

Learn Reading prepares the student for rapid, real-world application.

In traditional teaching methods, a student would learn all 26 letters of the alphabet (and the 44 sounds that they make!)—and then they would have to remember ALL of those sounds just to sound out a 3 or 4 letter word.


Learn Reading teaches just 1 sound at a time, in the order they appear in English print. Through this approach, students can read even multi-syllable words very quickly—using just the sounds they have learned in each lesson.

This is a much EASIER and FASTER way to learn reading

Learn Reading is the ONLY reading program which incorporates ALL aspects of reading instruction, uses a "frequency of use" teaching model, incorporates multisensory teaching techniques, and provides students with opportunity for rapid application in everyday print.

Course Curriculum

Learn Reading

Workbooks, Readers and Games!

Learn Reading hard copy workbooks contain the same information as the digital course or membership. They are preferred by those who would rather not print out each lesson.

Learn Reading supplemental readers are a wonderful resource for extra practice between lessons. There are 5 short stories per lesson, each with highly controlled text.

Learn Reading boxed game cards are a FUN way to practice the words in each lesson! Each lesson has paired word cards for games like Go-Fish, Memory and Slap-it!

You may purchase the Learn Reading workbooks, supplemental readers and boxed game cards


Tutors/Schools/Clinic Site Licenses

If you are interested in becoming a licensed Learn Reading tutor click here:

The Professional Tutor Site License gives you the legal permission to copy and use the Learn Reading lessons for nonpersonal use.

Licensed Learn Reading tutors are independent contractors and Learn Reading does not require any of your profits. Our tutors set their own prices and policies.

Learn Reading tutors are placed in a referral rotation and receive referrals as they come in from inquiring parents.

They are also invited to join our Professional Tutors group where amazing ideas, encouragement and support are shared.

If you are interested in learning more about purchasing a Professional Site License,click here.

Professional site licenses are also available for schools and tutoring clinics. To learn more, click here.

If you are interested in HIRING a licensed Learn Reading tutor, please send an email to: [email protected]

Your Instructor

April McMurtrey
April McMurtrey

I'm April.

I'm a professional reading specialist, dyslexia specialist, teacher and mom. I've been teaching hundreds of students to read for over 30 years. I have learned what works for all types of readers - confident readers who need to build vocabulary and comprehension skills, average readers who need to develop fluency and confidence and struggling readers who just can't seem to "get it" no matter WHAT has been tried before. The tools I use, which I will share with you, will help them all.

I have included these unique teaching tools in a system I call the "McMurtrey Method". This method will teach you the 3 KEY techniques that must be used if one is going to be a successful reader! These tools are SIMPLE to teach and SIMPLE to learn. Yet, they make ALL the difference in the world for struggling, dyslexic or emerging readers!

I invite you to trust me and allow me to teach you what I have spent a lifetime learning, so you - and your child - can discover the JOY of reading!

*Bachelor of Science - Education - Reading/Language arts

*Certified Dyslexia Testing Specialist

*Certified Dyslexia Therapist

*Certified Reading Specialist

*Certified Teacher - Grades K-8

*Certified Irlen Syndrome Screener

*Professional Educator - Providing school and school district in-service training and professional development throughout the western United States on the topic of dyslexia how to effectively teach those who struggle with reading disabilities.

*Community Presenter - Educating communities, schools and professional educators on reading disabilities and research based best practices for those who struggle academically.


Get started now!

Need workbooks?

If would prefer to have the hard copy workbooks delivered to your door, rather than printing out each lesson, we've got you covered!

Just click here for all your workbook options: